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Top 10 ecommerce email marketing strategy
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What if your eCommerce email marketing strategy could double your sales? Taking a stand from your side, I’d definitely say it isn’t! You might even think that all this “eCommerce marketing hacks” is totally crazy and you have made a huge mistake venturing into this read!

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Common Mistakes Made By Entrepreneurs
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Even the most experienced entrepreneurs make mistakes; unfortunately, most of them are not willing to talk about them. But imagine all the pitfalls entrepreneurs can prevent when they share their mistakes to warn others.

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What is Social Commerce
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Social commerce is a type of e-commerce (electronic commerce) where goods and services can be purchased and sold through online social networks. The social networking website may offer rating services, online communities, advertising, F-commerce (Facebook commerce), sharing, and stores that allow buyers and sellers to transact online.

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What is Social Media Marketing
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Social media marketing uses various social media platforms for the purposes of building your brand, increasing sales, and driving traffic to your site or store. This can be accomplished by posting great content on your social media profiles, listening to and engaging with your followers, and running social media advertisements

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Alternative To WooCommerce
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Among the most obvious choices for eCommerce selling is WooCommerce. WooCommerce is an easy-to-use plugin for WordPress that simplifies the process of selling online by blending powerful features with an intuitive interface.

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What Is Facebook Pixels
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One of the most useful tools that Facebook has developed for marketers is its Facebook Pixel. With the pixel, you can track how effective your Facebook Ads were and create custom audiences based on the traffic to your site. If you run Facebook ads, you should definitely have the pixel installed.

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What Is Google Analytics
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This post is for you if you don't know what Google Analytics is or haven't installed it on your website, or have installed it but have never looked at your data. Despite the fact that Google Analytics (or any other analytics, for that matter) is widely used to measure traffic, there are still websites who do not use it. As a beginner, I will discuss Google Analytics in this post. Learn what you need, how to get it, how to use it, and how to get around common problems.

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Alternative To Shopify
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Shopify is an extremely popular eCommerce platform, but not everyone will find it useful. If your business just got started, you may want to research different eCommerce solutions before you choose one.

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Reseller Business Model
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A reseller sources products from suppliers (manufacturers or wholesalers) and then sells them to consumers. Unlike homegrown brands or labels that sell their own products, resellers sell ready-made products to their customers

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